
We watched a speck of dust in a stellar nursery become this planet. Intrigued by the possibilities, some of us morphed into materiality. Most came for a taste, others of us went all in. Here were oceans, here was land. Here was living, and with that dying. Here was a two-armed primate sheath. It will work!

The stage was set, we entered in, with a little touch of amnesia. The rest is the story of how we arrived at where we are now, on the brink of remembering again what we are — either that, or doing it over again until we at last remember.

Planets are miniscule grains of sand on the endless shore of an infinite multiversal holographic display. We came to play in the forms of the day, though after the brief light of day, it gets dark. Just so, we drank some darkness. A little at first, and then quite a lot — that’s when we eventually began to forget, and what followed next, as night follows day, is why we need to remember.

Today a morning of lingering mists mixes with glints of light. A soft breeze toys with the trees and their leaves — we’re all falling in love, again and again, it’s the feeling of everything feeling in unison: this. It’s never been anything other than this, never anywhere other.

I’m walking slowly, carefully, through the forest of myself, as if in a waking dream. My intent is to do no harm, though with each step I take in space, it becomes more clear: I’m making all of this up as I go, the whole thing is completely spontaneous. The totality of the universal functioning is humming right along with no script, we’re it’s pen of light.

Some may imagine that they’re doing time here, serving out a sentence. All such speculation misses the point. In this swirling world of thickening mists and flashing light, affirmations and negations both are moot. The unknown deepens into the unknown.

But look — a big Mountain Blue Jay, then another! Two close friends, they’re traveling together, we’re all traveling together. Together, we compose this lucid energetic dream. We’re all linked to each other, walking carefully out of the night of our temporary forgetfulness, lit by shards of glinting light, opening into morning.

Author: Bob OHearn

My name is Bob O'Hearn, and I live with my Beloved Mate, Mazie, in the foothills of the Northern California Sierra Nevada Mountains. I have a number of blog sites you may enjoy: Photo Gallery: Essays on the Conscious Process: Compiled Poetry and Prosetry: Verses and ramblings on life as it is: Verses and Variations on the Investigation of Mind Nature: Verses on the Play of Consciousness: Poetic Fiction, Fable, Fantabulation: Poems of the Mountain Hermit: Love Poems from The Book of Yes: Autobiographical Fragments, Memories, Stories, and Tall Tales: Ancient and modern spiritual texts, creatively refreshed: Writings from selected Western Mystics, Classic and Modern: Wisdom of a Spirit Guide: Thank You!

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